Tesco of course famously entered the UK ebook market in 2012 and exited in January 2015, so over eight years ago. Sony got out of the ebook business in 2014. make that nine years ago. And surprise, surprise, Samsung quit the ebook industry in 2014 as well.
If you’ve got $5,450 to spare and want to waste it on something completely useless, you could do worse than buy the latest ebook industry report from one of the many scam industry markets analysis outfits that plague the world.
A new report out for March, claiming that the global ebook market will be worth $14 billion by 2030, is full of the usual insights and analysis that makes these reports so spectacularly pointless.

For your five and half grand you’ll be told that Microsoft, Samsung Sony and Tesco (yes, the UK supermarket chain) are up there with Amazon and PRH and co. as major players in the 2023 ebook industry.
Tesco of course famously entered the UK ebook market in 2012 and exited in January 2015, so over eight years ago. Sony got out of the ebook business in 2014. make that nine years ago. And surprise, surprise, Samsung quit the ebook industry in 2014 as well.
Microsoft of course quit the game in 2019. Just yesterday by these standards!
And in March 2023 this scam outfit is demanding $5,450 to be told a load of BS about ebook operators that are not in the ebook business, which begs the question can anything – anything at all? – in this report be treated as reliable?
I think we all know the answer to that.