Category: Finland
Celebrating 80 Years of the Moomins: A Whimsical Journey Through Children’s Literature
by Mark Williams | Feb 8, 2025 | Children's Books, Finland | 0 |
the 80th anniversary of Tove Jansson’s Moomins is more than just a celebration; it’s a testament to the enduring power of children’s literature.
Read MoreWhere does Finland’s obsession with audiobook erotica come from?
by Mark Williams | Feb 5, 2024 | Audiobooks, Finland | 0 |
“But it turned out those artsy Scandinavian films really were just artsy Scandinavian films, not documentaries. This was more disappointing for my friends than for me.”
Read MoreRights News: Finland – “Beasts of the Sea” sold to Japan and the Arabic markets
by Mark Williams | Jan 15, 2024 | Arab publishing, Egypt, Finland, Japan | 0 |
This year at TNPS we’re going to try shed some light on the international rights deals happening where the English-language sun doesn’t shine.
Read MoreBookBeat Finland hits 300,000 subscribers as new opportunities open up for BookBeat UK
by Mark Williams | Oct 15, 2023 | Audiobooks, Digital Audio, Digital subscription, Finland, UK | 0 |
Good luck with that, Niclas, given that the UK Society of Authors has already launched an attack...
Read MorePodcast platform Podimo launches in Finland amid exponential audio growth
by Mark Williams | Aug 31, 2022 | Digital Audio, Digital subscription, Finland | 0 |
With its wider focus on audio rather than just podcasts, Podimo needs now to be counted alongside...
Read MoreSweden’s Nextory subscribers grew 61% YoY in Q1. Finland users double
by Mark Williams | Apr 10, 2021 | Digital subscription, Europe, Finland, Global Publishing, Sweden | 0 |
Currently in seven markets (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and...
Read MoreSweden’s self-publishing platform Type & Tell to close Sept. 30 as Amazon Sweden signs first publisher deal
by Mark Williams | Sep 11, 2020 | Europe, Finland, Global Publishing, Self-Publishing, Sweden, UK | 0 |
A confirmed publisher deal indicates books will be part of the imminent Amazon Sweden launch, but...
Read MoreWhile PRH sits on its subscription plans, another Nordic publisher launches its own subscription service
by Mark Williams | Feb 21, 2020 | Digital Audio, Digital Libraries, ebook subscription services, Finland, Global Publishing, The global book market | 0 |
Last month we reported here on a Boktugg news item suggesting the world’s biggest trade...
Read MoreThe 650th anniversary of the Azerbaijani poet skinned alive; Helsinki’s public library boom; Vietnam’s book stall in South Korea; and from Serbia, BUM! GRRR!! ŠKRIP!!! STRIP!!!!
by Mark Williams | Nov 30, 2019 | Azerbaijan, Finland, Global Publishing, Serbia, South Korea, The global book market, Ukraine, Vietnam | 0 |
We start the day global today in Ukraine, where a poetry collection from one of Azerbaijan’s...
Read MoreNextory reports 130% growth. Bookbeat 127% growth. Kobo launches in Sweden. “Digital books are hotter than ever”
by Mark Williams | Oct 4, 2019 | Audiobooks, Digital Audio, ebook subscription services, Ebooks, Europe, Finland, Global Publishing, Scandinavia, Sweden | 0 |
Any thoughts that maybe the Scandinavian love affair with digital books might be drawing to a...
Read MoreSweden’s Storytel becomes Finland’s third largest publisher with acquisition of Gummerus Kustannus
by Mark Williams | Sep 17, 2019 | Audiobooks, Digital Audio, ebook subscription services, Europe, Finland, Global Publishing, Storytel, Sweden, The global book market | 0 |
Storytel is best known globally for its digital books streaming service, now covering eighteen...
Read MoreIndia’s youngest librarian. Bookboats in Sweden, Norway and, sadly no longer, in Finland
by Mark Williams | Jul 23, 2019 | Finland, Global Publishing, India, Libraries, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden | 0 |
We Start The Day Global today with a look at floating libraries in Scandinavia and a free public...
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