Category: Middle East

Al Dhafra Book Festival 2024: Footfall up 15%, Publisher Participation Doubles, and Fun is the Name of the Game

The festival included a comprehensive programme for children, reinforcing a read for pleasure mindset that we in the west, and especially in the UK and US, seem to have lost sight of, as witness the disturbing fall in the number of kids that read for pleasure both sides of the Atlantic.

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TNPS Thought for Christmas: TV celebrity children’s authors will never match the magic of Rowling or Blyton

Fewer and fewer children are reading for pleasure, in large part because the education system has failed them, but also in no small part because a TV celebrity riding on a ghostwriter’s skills and a jovial TV persona will never match the magic of a JK Rowling or an Enid Blyton, that wrote for children, not for fame and fortune.

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