Category: Children’s Books

TNPS Thought for Christmas: TV celebrity children’s authors will never match the magic of Rowling or Blyton

Fewer and fewer children are reading for pleasure, in large part because the education system has failed them, but also in no small part because a TV celebrity riding on a ghostwriter’s skills and a jovial TV persona will never match the magic of a JK Rowling or an Enid Blyton, that wrote for children, not for fame and fortune.

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Meet Malaysia’s youngest published author, seven years old

As a kid I filled exercise book after exercise book with stories, that on occasion impressed my teachers, but being a published author, or indeed any form of writing for a living, was never an option when it came to discussing my future with the careers officer, whose imagination ran the full gamut of job options from road sweeper to sweeper of roads to highway hygienist, with the promise of one day owning my own broom.

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