The winners will be announced on 16 May 2025 at the Book World Prague fair in the Bohemian Pavilion.

The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. Engaging 40 countries from the Creative Europe programme, the Prize celebrates 40 outstanding new literary talents across a three-year cycle.

Promoting Literary Diversity

EUPL aims to spotlight the creativity and diverse wealth of Europe’s contemporary literature. Its goal is to encourage interest in non-national literary works and to showcase the literary and linguistic diversity within Europe.

The 2025 Shortlist

The EUPL Consortium has announced the 13 shortlisted authors for the EUPL 2025 edition, representing each participating country:

Austria: Ljuba Arnautović, Erste Töchter (First Daughters)

Belgium: Philippe Marczewski, Quand Cécile (When Cécile)

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Mihaela Šumić, Čovjek vuk (The Wolf Man)

Georgia: Tea Topuria, იაკობის ჭასთან (By Jacob’s Well)

Greece: Makis Malafekas, Deepfake

Ireland: Sheila Armstrong, Falling Animals

Italy: Nicoletta Verna, I Giorni di Vetro (The Days of Glass)

Lithuania: Kotryna Zylė, Mylimi Kaulai (Beloved Bones)

Norway: Maria Kjos Fonn, Margaret, er du i sorg (Margaret, Are You Grieving)

Romania: Bogdan Crețu, Mai puţin decât dragostea (Less Than Love)

Slovakia: Lukáš Cabala, Spomenieš si na Trenčín? (Will you remember Trenčín?)

Spain: David Uclés, La peninsula de las casas vacías (The Peninsula of Empty Houses)

Ukraine: Halyna Matveeva, Ключ соль (The Key of G)

Next Steps

The European jury will now read excerpts from all shortlisted books to select one EUPL Prize laureate and five special mentions. The winners will be announced on 16 May 2025 at the Book World Prague fair in the Bohemian Pavilion.

Organisers and Support

The EUPL is organised by a Consortium comprising the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF), supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

The Language Of Europe Is Translation

Sonia Draga, President of FEP, highlighted the excitement of discovering new literary talents, hoping these authors find new readers across Europe. She echoed Umberto Eco’s sentiment: “the language of Europe is translation.”

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