“Serialised, social and interactive.”

“Unsustainable as a standalone enterprise” is how the operators of the pre-publication serialisation platform The Pigeonhole describe their plight, in a plea for someone to step in and take over the project.

Originating as a regular digital serialisation platform, The Pigeonhole quickly found the UK market was not ready for the concept, and pivoted to pre-publication serialisation for publishers to ratchet up advance interest in a new title, adding a book club arm for good measure.

“Serialised, social and interactive”, proclaimed The Pigeonhole.

But as the post-Pandemic economic realities kicked in, founder Jacob Cockcroft declared the project “unsustainable as a standalone enterprise” without additional support, and is inviting acquisition.

The Bookseller has more details, including a contact for Cockcroft should anyone be tempted.

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