If the Moroccan government is serious about developing the publishing industry then it needs to give real support to its own flagship book fairs as well as help publishers attend events in other countries.

Morocco’s Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communications is this year once again offering support to publishers, covering projects from actually publishing books to participating in international book fairs.

Read the full statement here.

Apply here.

The applications window closes April 3.

This is part of a wider programme from the Moroccan government to encourage reading and build out the publishing industry.

In November last year the Ministry of Education laid the foundations for a ten year plan to improve literacy standards in the Arabic and Amazigh.

More on that project from Morocco World News.

This is an admirable project that hopefully will be expanded to include supporting future incarnations of the country’s international book fair.

Long-held in Casablanca, the International Book Fair moved to Rabat a few years ago and because the Rabat authorities were able to offer financial support it stayed there.

If the Moroccan government is serious about developing the publishing industry then it needs to give real support to its own flagship book fairs as well as help publishers attend events in other countries.

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