At this time of year most western publishing operations are winding down for the Christmas and New Year holidays and news is increasingly few and far between, but PublishDrive has bucked that trend with a surprise announcement of two new distribution channels for its authors, taking its total to 27.

The library distribution channel Hoopla, part of Midwest Tape, is PublishDrive’s sixth library partner. In an email announcing the new partners PublishDrive explains:

Hoopla serves well over 2,000 library system providers and boasts 5,000,000 registered users. You can reach millions of new readers in the library market while earning through a Cost Per Checkout (CPC) model.

The CPC model is one whereby multiple consumers can simultaneously borrow the title, so there are no waiting lists at libraries. The model is popular with librarians and authors, but not all publishers share their enthusiasm even though it means potentially better royalties.

PublishDrive joins Draft2Digital in offering Hoopla as a distribution option.

More exciting for authors with global ambitions is PublishDrive’s venture into the reading apps arena with the partnership with STARY’s Dreame, which operates out of Singapore.

PublishDrive explains:

Dreame is an exciting new reading app that caters to female readers under the age of 40 in the English-speaking South Asian market. It features a lucrative episodic model that is performing well for genres such as Romance, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy. Readers pay to unlock each episode, giving you great royalty rates!

Read more about how reading apps like Dreame are tapping into an exciting new mobile-first market here:

PublishDrive joins StreetLib in offering STARY’s Dreame as a distribution option. At which point, full disclosure. StreetLib is the publisher of The New Publishing Standard.

Earlier this year PublishDrive moved from the standard aggregator model of free distribution in return for a fixed percentage of net revenue and instead offered a tiered paid subscription service (in return for 100% of the net royalties), with a free one-title-only “Try Out” option.

The PublishDrive email today notes that while Hoopla distribution qualifies for all the tiers, Dream distribution qualifies only for the paid tiers.

For more details about the Hoopla deal, check out the PublishDrive blog here.

For more details about the Hoopla deal, check out the PublishDrive blog here.